What Are The Benefits Of Minimally Invasive Surgery?

There was a time when the word “surgery” used to scare people, and they would try their best to evade a surgical procedure. The hesitance is understandable as the idea of a large cut on your body is discomforting in many ways. However, thanks to the evolution in medical science, surgical techniques have improved tremendously.

Now, surgical procedures, either big or small, are done within a few minutes to a few hours. The best part about the minimally invasive surgeries is the painless procedure with fast recovery. The advanced techniques are helping with quality treatments to patients who have to undergo surgical procedures.

What Is Minimally Invasive Surgery?

Unlike the traditional open surgeries that would require a large incision, a surgeon makes multiple tiny incisions of less than an inch. For the process, the surgeon uses

  • Small surgical instruments, such as a clamp or knife, for incisions
  • A laparoscope, i.e., a tiny tube with a miniature camera at one end.

Once the surgeon marks the incisions, he/she then passes the mini camera through one of the cuts. The doctor monitors the images captured by the camera on the screen and uses them as a reference.  These images give the surgeon a clear picture of the area undergoing surgery.

The doctor may also insert specialized surgical instruments, such as a balloon or flexible stent, through the incisions if required. After the surgery, the surgeon stitches the incisions and sometimes places a mesh for additional support.

Common Minimally Invasive Procedures

Minimally invasive surgeries have become the first choice of patients for multiple medical conditions. In fact, it would not be wrong to say that these surgeries are now the standard surgical procedures for many routine operations.

Your doctor may recommend a minimally invasive surgery for:

  • Appendectomy –the removal of the appendix
  • Hernia repair
  • Cholecystectomy –the removal of the gallbladder
  • Abdominal examination
  • Colon resection
  • Gynecological surgeries

Depending upon the location of the surgery, you may call a minimally invasive technique an endoscopic surgery, a keyhole surgery, thoracoscopic surgery, or laparoscopy.

Benefits of the Minimally Invasive Surgery

Compared to the traditional open surgery, minimally invasive surgery has several benefits to offer. Not only is the procedure quick and less painful, but also ensures rapid recovery. Let’s have a look at some of the advantages.

Small Incisions/Cuts

One of the biggest advantages of the minimally invasive surgeries is the smaller incisions. The surgeon marks a few tiny incisions, big enough to insert a tube, laparoscope, or other small surgical instruments.

Accurate Procedures

The minimally invasive surgeries are more accurate than the open surgeries because of the laparoscope that gives a clear picture of the internal structures.

Less Painful Procedure

It is proven that minimally invasive surgeries are less painful in comparison to open surgeries. The advanced technique does not cause discomfort or any damage to the healthy tissues. Also, there is reduced blood loss in invasive surgeries.

Minimal Scars

Since the size of the incisions is smaller in the minimally invasive techniques, you may have very small or unnoticeable scar with a few stitches only.

Rapid Recovery

The minimal procedures allow the patient to heal sooner and resume the normal routine. Since the surgeries take a few hours to complete, the patient may leave for home the same day or the next day. A short hospital stay means reduced medical bill.

Final Thoughts

Minimally Invasive surgeries are the standard surgical techniques widely in practice today. Whether you have a minor issue or want a surgical intervention for a major health condition, it is the best option. At Lenox Hill Minimally Invasive Surgery, we have compassionate, dedicated, and highly professional surgeons who are expert in minimally invasive surgeries. Contact us today and book an appointment with the most skilled surgeons in NYC.

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