Valery Dronsky MD General Surgeon NYC
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Surgical Experts Dedicated to Improving Lives

At Lenox Hill Minimally Invasive Surgery PLLC, Dr. Valery Dronsky and his staff of medical professionals provide compassionate care with the highest ethical & professional standards. In our state of the art facility, we offer surgical services using only the most cutting edge and current procedures and treatments. We specialize in general surgery, including extensive… Continue Reading

Recent Awards

We are honored and deeply appreciative to have consistently received prestigious awards and recognition year after year, establishing us as one of New York’s foremost hospitals for a wide range of general surgeries, safety measures, specialized procedures, and overall excellence in healthcare. At Lenox Hill Minimally Invasive Surgery, our unwavering commitment lies in delivering exceptional… Continue Reading

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Adrenal Gland Disorders: What are They?

The adrenal glands can be found at the top of the kidneys and their primary function is to deal with the release of various hormones. If these glands fail to generate enough of the hormone, or indeed if they produce too much, it can lead to problems. A number of different adrenal gland disorders can… Continue Reading

Surgical Treatments for Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggressive forms of cancer in humans and often the prognosis for patients is poor. There are several different types of pancreatic cancer and while many of them are often deadly, there is at least one type that is highly survivable. Because of the lethality of pancreatic cancer, most… Continue Reading

Common Types of Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopic surgery is a type of minimally invasive surgery in which a number of small incisions are made, around a quarter inch in length each. Using smaller incisions means that patients experience less pain and a shorter recuperation period. Below is a guide to some of the most common types of laparoscopic surgery. Colon Laparoscopic… Continue Reading

What to Expect After a Liver Resection

A liver resection is a surgery to remove part of a patient’s liver. The liver is unique among all the interior organs in the human body in that it is capable of regenerating, meaning as much as 50 per cent of the liver can be removed during a resection; so long as the other half… Continue Reading

Recovering After a Splenectomy

A splenectomy is a surgical procedure where the spleen is removed. Most of you will have heard of a spleen, but surprisingly few people know where it is or what it does. The spleen is located under the left rib cage, near the stomach. It is a small organ, about the size of a human… Continue Reading

What to Expect from Laparoscopic Colon Resection Surgery

Colon surgeries account for more than 600,000 of the surgical procedures performed every year in the United States with colon surgery being used to treat a wide spectrum of diseases, including cancer, polyps, inflammatory bowel diseases; mainly Chron’s and ulcerative colitis. Colectomies or surgeries on the colon used to be invasive and have extensive recuperation… Continue Reading

What Is a Hernia?

Most of you will have at least heard of a hernia. In fact, a good percentage of you almost certainly know someone who has suffered from one, but you might not know exactly what one is, perhaps because a description of a hernia actually makes it sound far worse than it is. The good news… Continue Reading

Surgical Treatments for Pilonidal Cysts

A pilonidal cyst is a cyst located at the coccyx and they can present a problem if they become infected and pus filled. If this happens then it becomes a pilonidal abscess and these can be very painful. Initially, a pilonidal cyst looks like a pimple over the coccyx. They occur more in men than… Continue Reading

The Role of General Surgeons in The Hospital

Many people are familiar with the concept of surgeons having individual specialties. Generally, doctors and surgeons choose one area of the body to specialize in and, while a doctor in clinical practice will have to deal with multiple conditions affecting different parts of the body, surgeons rarely work outside of their preferred area. For this… Continue Reading

A Quick Guide to Appendix Surgery

Appendix surgery NYC is one of the most common forms of surgery; it is also one of the safest. The appendix sits where the large and small intestines meet. It is a thin tube which is roughly four inches in length and in most people, it sits in the lower right abdomen. We still don’t… Continue Reading

Adapting to Life Without a Gall Bladder

\Although living without a gallbladder isn’t a huge deal, it does require some simple lifestyle changes. Fortunately, these changes are minor enough that most patients have no trouble adapting to them. Most patients find that having their gallbladder removed has no impact on their general comfort or quality of life and it seems that several… Continue Reading

General Surgery

Here are some brief descriptions about the different types of general surgery we perform: Laparoscopic surgery This is a relatively new specialty dealing with minimal access techniques using cameras and small instruments inserted through 0.3 to 1 cm incisions. Robotic surgery is now evolving from this concept (see below). Gallbladders, appendices, and colons can all… Continue Reading

Recovering from a Lumpectomy

Recovering from a lumpectomy is, fortunately, typically a short process, but many women feel uneasy and are concerned about long-term effects, including the cosmetic effects of the surgery. Below is a quick guide to what to expect after a lumpectomy. What Is a Lumpectomy? A mass excision or lumpectomy is the removal of tissue believed… Continue Reading