Valery Dronsky MD General Surgeon NYC
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Surgical Experts Dedicated to Improving Lives

At Lenox Hill Minimally Invasive Surgery PLLC, Dr. Valery Dronsky and his staff of medical professionals provide compassionate care with the highest ethical & professional standards. In our state of the art facility, we offer surgical services using only the most cutting edge and current procedures and treatments. We specialize in general surgery, including extensive experience in performing hernia repair surgery. Our expertise is in minimally invasive surgery and robotic surgery. Minimally invasive and robotic surgery often allow patients to experience easier recovery than traditional open surgery. They also allow for more precise and less traumatic surgery. When robotic and minimally invasive surgery is not an option, we are also skilled and experienced in traditional open surgical procedures.

Dr. Dronsky is an experienced and highly skilled surgeon having undergone extensive training in school, residency and fellowships. He practices medicine with ethical behavior, compassion and superb bedside manner. In the operating room he exhibits precision mechanical abilities, analytical thinking and the ability to visualize tissue in three dimensions. These innate and learned skills allow Dr. Dronsky to be one of the most dexterous and skilled professionals in New York City and the Country.

Call us: 646-846-1136

Recent Awards

We are honored and deeply appreciative to have consistently received prestigious awards and recognition year after year, establishing us as one of New York’s foremost hospitals for a wide range of general surgeries, safety measures, specialized procedures, and overall excellence in healthcare. At Lenox Hill Minimally Invasive Surgery, our unwavering commitment lies in delivering exceptional care and unwavering support to our patients, guaranteeing their safety and successful recovery throughout their entire surgical experience.

Hospital Quality Awards

Americas 50 best hospitals award 2022 2023-best surgeons nycAmerica’s 50 Best Hospitals Award™ (2023, 2022)

Top 1% in the nation for providing the highest clinical quality year over year.

Best Surgeons NYC-America's 100 Best Hospitals Award Healthgrades

America’s 100 Best Hospitals Award™ (2021)

Top 2% in the nation for consistently delivering clinical quality year over year.


America’s 250 Best Hospitals Award™ (2023, 2022, 2021)

Top 5% in the nation for consistently delivering clinical quality.

Helathgrades Patient Safety Excellence Award 2022 2023 - Best General Surgeons

Patient Safety Excellence Award™ (2023, 2022)

Top in the nation for providing excellence in patient safety by preventing infections, medical errors, and other preventable complications.

Specialty Clinical Quality Awards


Americas 100 best cardiac care award | Healthgrades

America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Cardiac Care Award™ (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019)

Superior clinical outcomes in heart bypass surgery, coronary interventional procedures, heart attack treatment, heart failure treatment, and heart valve surgery.


America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Coronary Intervention Award™ (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019)

Superior clinical outcomes in coronary intervention procedures (angioplasty with stent).


America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Prostate Surgery Award™ (2023, 2022, 2021)

Superior clinical outcomes in prostate removal surgery and transurethral resection of the prostate.

Click to see all of our Healthgrades best doctors awards


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Top Minimally Invasive Surgery Specialist NYC 2024 Award

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Best Gastrointestinal Surgeons in New York Award 2019

Category Archives: Gall bladder surgery

Gallbladder and Gallstone Surgery – NYC General Surgeon

Gallstone and Gallbladder Surgery: Steps, Benefits, Side-Effects, Precautions & Prognosis

gallbladder-medical-information-surgery-nyc-03Gallstone and gallbladder surgery referred to as cholecystectomy in medical parlance, is an operative procedure where your gallbladder is removed. Gallbladder surgery is chiefly performed to get rid of gallstones or cholesterol stones which if not removed could lead to severe complications like cholangitis, pancreatitis, and cholecystitis. Gallbladder deletion or excision is the best solution if this biliary-tract organ becomes swollen (cholecystitis) or infected or if you’re diagnosed with biliary dyskinesia (compromised outflow of bile), choledocholithiasis or pancreatitis.

Cholecystectomy is the most popular and preferred treatment mode of doing away with gallstones as these do not resolve or dissolve as a matter of course. You know that you’re due for surgery when you suffer from acute abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, fever or jaundice.

Surgery Types & Methods

In very rare circumstances, gallstones can be melted away or resolved by making dietary changes like reducing consumption of fatty foods or taking certain medications. However, these strategies are, for the most part, ineffective if the stones are sizable. For nearly 80% of individuals with gallstones, surgery is the best and the only alternative.


There are primarily three surgical procedures that surgeons carry out for gallstone elimination: cholecystectomy (gallbladder resection), ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography), and cholecystostomy (drainage of the bladder).

  1. Cholecystectomy is the most widely used technique for clearing away cholesterol stones. Two types of gallbladder surgery are in vogue-laparoscopy (keyhole surgery) and open surgery. The laparoscopic operation is more popular in comparison to the open surgery mode because of the former’s inherent benefits.
  2. The open surgical method is resorted to especially when anatomical issues are resulting from previous gastrointestinal surgeries, like the presence of scar tissues. Though it takes roughly 1-2 hours for performing both the types of operation, open surgery entails a longer stay in the hospital and an extended recovery period, largely because of the wider opening.
  3. In ERCP, an endoscope is inserted into the small intestine via the esophagus for dealing with an obstructed common bile duct. Surgical tools are slotted in together with the endoscope for correcting the constricted or blocked sections of CBD once the gallbladder is excised. Often, it may not be possible to conduct surgery on some patients.

In these circumstances, the excess bile is drained away from the bladder with the help of a catheter. Nevertheless, these patients will have to consider surgery in the long run.


Opting for a laparoscopic or open gallbladder surgery has its benefits. Removing a diseased or contaminated bladder ensures that you’ll be able to get back to leading a normal life quickly. Choosing laparoscopic intervention ascertains that your hospital stay will be shorter-you may be discharged on the very day the operation is performed. Also, the recuperation will be faster compared to open surgery.

The chances of the complications returning or recurring are also very slim once the surgery is done.

Side Effects

  • Bleeding
  • A hernia
  • Blood clots
  • Heart attack or stroke
  • Wound infection
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Allergic reactions from general anesthesia
  • Bile leakage
  • Pneumonia
  • The possibility of damage to organs surrounding the gallbladder


  • Cleanse and dress the incision area periodically
  • Walk as much as you can to prevent thrombosis
  • Wear loose fitting clothes so that the incision is not abraded against
  • Follow the dietary chart prescribed by the surgeon
  • Take all medications on time and complete the course


gallstone-gallbladder-surgeon-specialists-experts-new-york-01As far as the short-term prognosis is concerned, the success rate of bladder operations is excellent. The kind of surgery you go for determines the recuperation period. You’ll experience mild postoperative pain if laparoscopy is involved. Talking about the long-term scenario, you’re less likely to suffer from the complications you had before the surgery.

Concluding Remarks

Laparoscopic or open surgery is the feasible option for getting relief from complications or issues related to the gallbladder. For more details about this treatment option and to evaluate if this is the right stage to get this treatment, we advise you to fix an appointment with one of our specialists for consultation.



Recovery Times and Side Effects from Gall Bladder Surgery

Many people who are due to have gall bladder surgery do not know what to expect when it comes to the side effects of this type of procedure or the recovery times required. Well, the first thing to remember is that this type of surgery can be carried out in one of two ways. Depending on the problem and a number of other factors, you may have to have open surgery for your gall bladder issue. Alternatively, you may be able to have the operation through keyhole surgery. The type of surgery you have will have an impact on the side effects as well as the recovery period.

Those that have keyhole surgery

If you are having a gall bladder operation through the use of keyhole surgery, the procedure will be far less invasive and involved. In fact, you should be able to go home on the day the procedure is carried out as long as there are no complications. In addition, the recovery period is much shorter than with open surgery. In general, you may be looking at around two weeks to recover from keyhole gall bladder surgery, after which time you can go back to your normal routine.

Those that have open surgery

The other alternative is open surgery, which is a far more involved procedure. When you have this type of surgery, you will be kept in hospital for a number of days before you are allowed to be discharged and go home. The recovery period following on from this type of open surgery is generally around six to eight weeks, so you will be out of action for some time before you can resume normal activities and routines.


Side effects of this type of procedure

You do not have to worry about long term effects of gall bladder surgery, as you can live a normal life without one. You will, however, experience some side effects from having this type of procedure carried out, although these are short term effects. Some of these include:

  • Swelling, bruising, and tenderness around the wounds
  •  Nausea due to painkillers or anesthetic
  •  Stomach and shoulder pains
  •  Bloating and gas
  •  Diarrhea
  •  Low mood and feeling irritable
  •  Fatigue

Get in touch with a professional

If you have concerns about gall bladder surgery or you want to find out more information, you can get in touch with us today and speak to the best general surgeon in NYC.

Contact us at 646-846-1136 to schedule an appointment.