What Is a Hernia?

herniaMost of you will have at least heard of a hernia. In fact, a good percentage of you almost certainly know someone who has suffered from one, but you might not know exactly what one is, perhaps because a description of a hernia actually makes it sound far worse than it is.

The good news is that hernias are relatively uncommon. in 2015, there we 18.5 million cases in a global population of roughly 7.2 billion people.

Essentially, a hernia is when an organ pushes through the muscle that holds it in place. They most commonly occur in the abdomen but are also sometimes seen in the groin and upper thigh. Fortunately, hernias aren’t immediately life-threatening, but they also won’t go away on their own and so hernia surgery NYC is sometimes required.


What Is a Hernia?There are several different types of hernias with the most common, accounting for roughly 70% of cases, being inguinal hernias. Inguinal hernias are when the intestines force their way through the lower abdomen wall, in an area of the body known as the inguinal canal.

The Inguinal canal is in the groin. Because of the physiological differences between men and women in this area, this type is more common in men.


A hiatal hernia is when your diaphragm, a muscle used in the process of breathing, and which separates the organs in the abdomen from those in the chest, is intruded by part of the stomach, which pushes right through to the chest cavity. This type generally occurs in the younger population (under-50s); it is also one of the more likely hernias to be seen in children. Generally, when this occurs, it is because of a congenital defect.

Other Types of Hernia

What Is a Hernia?These are the most common types of hernia, but others can occur. An umbilical hernia is sometimes seen in infants less than 6 months old and it occurs when the intestines push through the abdomen wall. This type of hernia is often accompanied by a noticeable bulge in the belly. Fortunately, this is the only type which sometimes spontaneously heals. After abdominal surgery, an incisional hernia can occur if the intestines push through the incision wound.

While hernias are relatively common they are fortunately easy to treat. Visit our renowned  Surgery NYC clinic if you are concerned and would like a consultation.

Contact us at 646-846-1136 to schedule an appointment.

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