Valery Dronsky MD General Surgeon NYC
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Surgical Experts Dedicated to Improving Lives

At Lenox Hill Minimally Invasive Surgery PLLC, Dr. Valery Dronsky and his staff of medical professionals provide compassionate care with the highest ethical & professional standards. In our state of the art facility, we offer surgical services using only the most cutting edge and current procedures and treatments. We specialize in general surgery, including extensive experience in performing hernia repair surgery. Our expertise is in minimally invasive surgery and robotic surgery. Minimally invasive and robotic surgery often allow patients to experience easier recovery than traditional open surgery. They also allow for more precise and less traumatic surgery. When robotic and minimally invasive surgery is not an option, we are also skilled and experienced in traditional open surgical procedures.

Dr. Dronsky is an experienced and highly skilled surgeon having undergone extensive training in school, residency and fellowships. He practices medicine with ethical behavior, compassion and superb bedside manner. In the operating room he exhibits precision mechanical abilities, analytical thinking and the ability to visualize tissue in three dimensions. These innate and learned skills allow Dr. Dronsky to be one of the most dexterous and skilled professionals in New York City and the Country.

Call us: 646-846-1136

Recent Awards

We are honored and deeply appreciative to have consistently received prestigious awards and recognition year after year, establishing us as one of New York’s foremost hospitals for a wide range of general surgeries, safety measures, specialized procedures, and overall excellence in healthcare. At Lenox Hill Minimally Invasive Surgery, our unwavering commitment lies in delivering exceptional care and unwavering support to our patients, guaranteeing their safety and successful recovery throughout their entire surgical experience.

Hospital Quality Awards

Americas 50 best hospitals award 2022 2023-best surgeons nycAmerica’s 50 Best Hospitals Award™ (2023, 2022)

Top 1% in the nation for providing the highest clinical quality year over year.

Best Surgeons NYC-America's 100 Best Hospitals Award Healthgrades

America’s 100 Best Hospitals Award™ (2021)

Top 2% in the nation for consistently delivering clinical quality year over year.


America’s 250 Best Hospitals Award™ (2023, 2022, 2021)

Top 5% in the nation for consistently delivering clinical quality.

Helathgrades Patient Safety Excellence Award 2022 2023 - Best General Surgeons

Patient Safety Excellence Award™ (2023, 2022)

Top in the nation for providing excellence in patient safety by preventing infections, medical errors, and other preventable complications.

Specialty Clinical Quality Awards


Americas 100 best cardiac care award | Healthgrades

America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Cardiac Care Award™ (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019)

Superior clinical outcomes in heart bypass surgery, coronary interventional procedures, heart attack treatment, heart failure treatment, and heart valve surgery.


America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Coronary Intervention Award™ (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019)

Superior clinical outcomes in coronary intervention procedures (angioplasty with stent).


America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Prostate Surgery Award™ (2023, 2022, 2021)

Superior clinical outcomes in prostate removal surgery and transurethral resection of the prostate.

Click to see all of our Healthgrades best doctors awards


Dr Dronsky top minimally Invasive Surgery Specialist 2024
Top Minimally Invasive Surgery Specialist NYC 2024 Award

Valery Dronsky MD Voted Top Doctor NYC


Castle Connolly Top Doctors 2023
Best Gastrointestinal Surgeons in New York Award 2019

Monthly Archives: January 2021

General Surgery: Diverticular Disease

Diverticular disease is a condition in which small sacs and pouches form inside the walls of the large intestine. Plus, the diverticular disease involves the damage or inflammation of the interior linings of the colon. When a person reaches adulthood, their colon can start to show the formation of diverticula. Thus, suffering from diverticular disease can make you susceptible to concerning symptoms.

What is Diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis is the most serious type of diverticular disease. It is also one of the most common abdominal problems of the west. It constitutes a series of conditions that harm your digestive tract. Furthermore, it can lead to disturbing and harsh symptoms that may require surgery for treatment.

Diverticular Disease: Symptoms

The symptoms of diverticulitis can range in intensity. Moreover, symptoms also vary in frequency. Some experience instance symptoms. While others stay asymptomatic for a long time and gradually start experiencing symptoms over a couple of days. The most common symptoms of diverticular diseases are:

  • Stomachache
  • Bloating in your stomach
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea

Diverticular disease surgeons

However, in terms of diverticulitis, symptoms happen to be more severe and extreme, such as:

  • Frequent and constant stomach pain.
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Rectal Bleeding

The most recurring and evident symptom of diverticular disease is abdominal pain. Developing symptoms that translate with the diverticulitis is a clear indication that you need instant medical help.

Diagnosis of Diverticulitis

The doctor will diagnose diverticulitis firstly by carrying out a physical exam. It is important to notice that this disease often has no symptoms at all. The diagnosis of this disease usually results from a routine colonoscopy procedure. This makes it incredibly difficult to diagnose this disease without the help of tests.

However, doctors do check the patient’s stomach to see if it is showing any signs of tenderness. Ideally, the diagnosis of this disease involves running a few tests on the patient. These tests include a series of abdominal tests that allow the doctor to have a clear vision of the interior linings of the large intestine or colon.

Tests such as abdominal ultrasound, MRI scan, CT scan, and X-ray provide doctors with an extensive view of the patient’s gastrointestinal tract. Another great diagnosis method is the use of colonoscopy procedures. This may even be better since the doctor has control of the camera, and they can navigate it for a closer and clearer view of the problem. With a colonoscopy tube, a doctor has a better resolution of the disrupting pouches. Hence, they can make a better diagnosis and formulate an excellent treatment plan to tackle the problem.

Diverticular Disease: Treatment

Surgery is imminent in cases where the diverticulitis starts developing complications. On the other hand, you can treat uncomplicated diverticulitis easily by making slight changes to your diet. Furthermore, your doctor can also prescribe you over-the-counter medicine.

Doctors can also treat some cases of complicated diverticulitis with IV fluids and intravenous medication. The treatment for this condition varies on the severity of the disease and the age of the person. Other factors also come into play when deciding the treatment, but these two are crucial.

General Surgery for Diverticulitis

Surgery is usually the last resort in terms of the treatment of diverticular diseases. When medications and dietary changes fail to work, and the pain begins to worsen as time passes by, a person has no option but to opt for surgery. An effective surgery can be extremely helpful for a patient. It can alleviate pain, diminish symptoms, and make bowel movements better. You will find two main types of surgeries for diverticular diseases.

Diverticular disease surgery NY

Bowel Resection – Anastomosis

This surgery is a simple procedure in which the surgeon makes an incision in your abdomen to enter the colon. The surgeon then removes the infectious segments and pouches in the linings of your colon. After the removal process, the surgeon attaches the healthy part of your colon either by sewing them or using a staple.

Bowel Resection – Colostomy

Bowel resection with colostomy involves the removal of the diverticula in your intestine walls. The surgeon cuts off the inflamed region of your colon and then attaches the two regions to the openings of each other.

Surgeons can perform both of these surgeries using an open method and also with the help of laparoscopy. The latter option is less invasive and accounts for a quicker recovery time. Regardless of the options, both techniques yield results in regards to treatment.

Diverticular Disease Conclusion: Consult Lenox Hill Minimally Invasive Surgery Today

If you have abdominal issues and require expert consultancy and treatment, then visit us at Lenox Hill Minimally Invasive Surgery. We provide the best surgeons in NYC concerning colon and abdomen issues. Visit our website for more information or call us at (212) 988-1136 to book an appointment.

Appendix Removal Surgery

What is the process of appendix removal surgery? The appendix is a small tube-shaped organ inside the human body. It sits in the lower right side region of the abdomen. Medical experts do not exactly know about the function and purpose of the appendix organ. To this day, the exact functionality of the appendix is unknown. However, some believe that it aids in the digestion process. However, appendix removal, or appendectomy is a very common procedure and the removal of the appendix has no affects on the health of a person.


An appendectomy is a surgical procedure that aims to remove the appendix from a person’s body. Usually, people who undergo this surgery are emergency patients that come are suffering from appendicitis.


Appendicitis is a disease that causes the appendix to swell up. The swelling of the appendix is an inflammatory response of the appendix. Appendicitis occurs when there is a bacterial invasion inside the appendix. The bacteria inside the appendix begin to multiply and create puss. Consequently, when the puss increases, it starts to press against the inner walls of the appendix, since it cannot escape. As a result, the appendix starts to become swollen, and the pressure inside increases, causing severe pain to an individual.

Appendix Removal Surgery

This pain starts in the lower right side of the stomach and spreads all across the abdominal area. A person suffering from appendicitis pain has trouble walking, coughing, or doing any other activity. Some of the intense symptoms of appendicitis include vomiting, stomach pain, nausea, fever, diarrhea, and fainting in some cases. Appendicitis is an emergency, and a person needs to get medical attention as soon as possible.

Delaying appendicitis can lead to an adverse situation for a person. Since the accumulation of the pus stretches and pressure the appendix. Delaying appendectomy can ultimately cause the appendix to burst once the pressure reaches its peak point. Having a perforated appendix inside the abdominal region can lead to complications. This is because the bacterial material burst out into the abdominal cavity. In this circumstance, one puts the other abdominal organs into harm.

How to Prepare for an Appendectomy?

Before a patient goes into surgery, they have to complete an eight hour fast, in which they do not eat or drink anything. The doctor will also make a complete list of the medications you take so that the doctor can tell you whether you need to continue them before and after surgery.  Other information is also necessary such as previous medical conditions and allergies. This information is important since it helps the doctor determine the surgical technique they will use and the medications they will provide.


Initially, when a patient suffering from appendicitis goes to the doctor, the doctor will likely perform a physical examination. This examination includes asking the patient about the location of the pain and gently pushing the abdominal region to spot the location and source of the pain. Once the doctor confirms the physical diagnosis of appendicitis, they may also run digital screening tests to re-confirm appendicitis.  However, this may not be necessary the appendix is at a critical stage. In that instance, the patient goes straight into surgery without imaging or blood tests.

Appendix removal surgery | Post

Types of Appendectomy Procedures

There are two types of appendectomy procedures, the surgeons decide which ones to perform after consideration of certain factors.  These factors involve the severity of the situation, the age and medical history of the patient, and the underlying conditions of the patient, especially bleeding disorders. The two types of procedures are open appendectomy and laparoscopic appendectomy.

Open Appendectomy

An open appendectomy is a simple and straightforward surgical approach. It involves a surgeon making an incision on the stomach. They make the incision on the lower right side of the stomach, which is the location where the appendix is situated. This allows them a full view of the appendix.

After the incision, the surgeon operates the infected appendix, removing it and cleaning any bacterial mess if the appendix bursts. This surgical approach is ideal when the appendix bursts because the surgeons have room to clean the interior parts.

Laparoscopic Appendectomy

Unlike open appendectomy, this surgical approach allows surgeons to make smaller incisions on the abdomen.  After the incisions, they insert a small tube inside the abdomen and pump carbon dioxide gas inside it so that the stomach is inflated and they have room to use the laparoscope.

This is a tube-like device, with a high-intensity light and camera attached on its end.  Surgeons use this device to navigate the appendix and cut it off with the help of stitches. Furthermore, this surgery is more favorable to people that are old, overweight, or have bleeding issues.  The smaller incisions allow them to recover faster.

Appendix Removal Surgery: Conclusion

If you or any of your close relatives have symptoms that point to appendicitis, make sure that you do not leave it unnoticed. Lenox Hill Minimally Invasive Surgery is a medical facility in New York that makes it easy for you to get treatment. Explore our website for more information or book an appointment now by calling 646-846-1136.